When you go to search for a website, regardless of the type of site you are looking for, the domain name is typically what you will search. For example, a domain name would be something like “facebook.com” or “boppeshoppe.com”. A domain name is simply the name that refers to your website. But, you cannot just simply pick anything you happen to think of that you like…
A domain named cannot be used more than one time – it is registered to the company, organization, or individual using it and it is theirs. Then, if they say choose, they could sell it to you. So, when it comes to developing your site you need to consider your options, what is available, and how much it costs.
Where can I buy a domain name?
Well, domain names can range anywhere from around $15 to a few thousand dollars. But, of course, this can end up being a huge business expense if you end up on the upper end of that.
However, at Boppeshoppe we offer you affordable domain names starting at only $9.99/year. You will need a domain name, but it shouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg to get it.
What is the importance of a domain name?
Of course, when investing in something you want to know the importance of it. So, why not just leave the website name the one that generates through your web hosting site? While most of the time that is an option, there are several reasons why your own domain name is important:
- If you ever change your web hosting site, you get to keep your domain name. And, you don’t want to have to change the name of your site on your customers after ten years, right?
- A domain name will give you credibility. Most often, individuals will keep the domain name generated by their web hosting site, such as “[email protected]”, but as a business, having your own domain name validates you.
- You can be creative with your domain name. Ideally, you want to secure a domain name that makes your company memorable. By purchasing your own domain name, you can make something that will easily attract customers and make them remember you.
Come search for your ideal domain name today with us at Boppeshoppe!
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